The burglary map of England & Wales
We trawled 6 years of Police data on burglaries to unveil the areas of England & Wales with the highest burglary rates. How does your neighbourhood compare?
We trawled 6 years of Police data on burglaries to unveil the areas of England & Wales with the highest burglary rates. How does your neighbourhood compare?
When's the best age to give your kids house keys and how do you give them their freedom whilst keeping them safe? We spoke to real parents to find out.
Studies show that crime is seasonal. What crimes are more frequent during different times of the year, and what can you do to stay safe?
A guide on crime stats in the UK's busiest student towns and tips on how to stay safe.
An interactive timeline showing cruel and unusual punishments for theft throughout the years.
15% of burglaries in the UK happen in November - more than any other month. Learn how to stay safe this year with our autumn security infographic.
More and more residents are signing up every year to create Neighbourhood Watches around the UK. So what is it exactly, how does it work and is it really efficient?
From a 10-ton bridge to a nutty amount of hazelnut spread, here are ten weird things stolen from across the globe.
“When you sell high value products, your business is naturally a high risk target for shoplifters.” Ahmed Muhammad, phone shop owner, tells us about is own experience with protection against shoplifters.
10 of the most famous (or infamous) robberies, raids and heists of all time. How a few evil geniuses made millions and got caught... or not.