The Top Burglar Deterrent According to Professional Burglars
The impact of burglary on home owners is significant and not only includes the financial costs of replacements and repairs but also substantial psychological costs. US research suggests that it takes an average of 4 months to recover from the stress of a break-in.
Victims also face an average bill of £700 – £3,000 to fix entry points and £2,300 to replace stolen property. According to the Office for National Statistics, there were approximately 650,000 cases of domestic burglary last year in the UK. Explore the crime statistics in your area.
With over 650,000 cases of home burglary in the UK, this puts your risk of being burgled at 2%, however there are some things you can do to help prevent a break-in.
The Top Burglar Deterrent According to Professional Burglars
Thieves are commonly opportunists and a house that looks to be well protected is going to fare much better than those that don’t. The top burglar deterrent according to professional burglars is an alarm system. In a survey of ex-convicts 89% agreed they would not target a home that was connected to an alarm system. Add to this the effectiveness of a home security camera alarm system, with a separate survey of 400 convicted offenders by The University of North Carolina, 83% stated they would think twice before breaking in, while 43% they would never continue a break-in with a home security camera alarm system.
In a survey of 86 inmates currently serving time for burglary in the Oregon Department of Corrections, KGW asked the respondents what they would do if a home alarm system went off. One inmate stated:
“I would try to turn it off or get the hell out of there.”
In a similar survey by Which? Magazine in which they interviewed 100 ex-burglars, alarm systems were seen as the top deterrent. 71% of the ex-burglars agreed that a house with an alarm system would make them rethink breaking in. However, they also noted that a lot of the time alarms are ignored. With this in mind, the majority of the ex-cons agreed that a monitored alarm system, connected to a call centre which then triggers an immediate response, was the most effective deterrent.
Why You Need a Home Alarm System
Homes with no or little security have a 75% greater chance of being burgled than those with high-level security. According to the Security Journal, published May 2017, routine investment in security devices can result in a higher proportion of failed burglaries. Likewise, the Office for National Statistics found that households with more security have lower burglary rates. Households with little to no security were found to experience 10 times more burglaries than those with enhanced security, such as a home alarm system. Considering that on average only 9% of property stolen during burglaries is ever recovered, it’s crucial your home is well protected.
According to the Which? Magazine survey, 60% of ex-burglars agreed they would find an alternative target if they found a home alarm system. 31% said this would often cause them to retreat while only 13% they would continue the attempt.
A home alarm system is needed to reduce your chances of being burgled. Our home alarm is considered the top burglar deterrent according to professional burglars as it is directly connected to our Alarm Receiving Centre, ensuring immediate attention. The Alarm Receiving Centre is at your service 24/7, every day of the year to activate immediate security protocols, including a guard response, ambulance or fire service as necessary.
Other Top Burglar Deterrents
While the top burglar deterrent according to professional burglars is a home alarm system that triggers an immediate response, studies show that the more deterrents a home has, the less likely it is to be broken into.
Barking Dog
In a survey of ex-burglars the second strongest deterrent was a barking dog, after a home security alarm. 34% of burglars said they would find an easier target if there was a dog at home. In the KGW survey, one inmate stated:
“Dogs are a deal breaker for me. Big breeds, home protectors are the bet to keep people out.”
In almost all interviews of ex-burglars, CCTV and other camera equipment was one of the top deterrents. In one survey, nearly 60% of ex-burglars said they would consider the presence of cameras when selecting a target and over 40% said it would factor into them choosing an alternative target.
Another strong deterrent according to one survey was motion activated lights. Currently, only 24% of homes in the UK have motion activated lights. This is an easy way to strengthen your protection.
Window and Door Locks
Having visible window and door locks is perhaps the simplest way to deter would-be thieves. In one survey 56% of ex-burglars said they come in through the front or back door and 22% come in through a first floor window.
Most burglars in the KGW survey agreed they would fear someone was at home if they heard the radio or TV and as a result wouldn’t break in. One burglar said “Absolutely not.”
Vehicles at Home
Another strong deterrent to the burglars surveyed by KGW was a car in the driveway with almost all of the inmates stating they’d think twice before breaking into a home with a parked car.
“Most of the time that is a sure-fire sign of someone being home.”