27 06, 2017

How do burglar alarms sensors work?

June 27th, 2017|Home Security|

We have all seen in movies high tech burglars hacking surveillance cameras, reflecting lasers with mirrors or revealing them with make up powder. But do you know how home burglar alarm sensors actually work, and how secured it can be?

18 05, 2017

How burglars use social media

May 18th, 2017|Home Security|

According to a survey conducted by Admiral Insurance, 30% of social media users have mentioned a future holiday on their accounts, and 1 in 4 tag their location when travelling. 70% post photos on Instagram while away. An easy way for burglars to spot empty homes.

8 05, 2017

Talking to your fridge: The Internet of Things

May 8th, 2017|Home Security|

Smart devices with their own WiFi connections have begun to move into almost all sections of society, and it is redefining our conception of home security products.