23 04, 2019

When a Bell Alarm Causes Crime

April 23rd, 2019|News|

Non-monitored alarms aren't perfect. In fact, the wrong system can do more harm than good. That's what one business owner learnt the hard way, when his neighbour's beeping alarm led to an altercation with an axe wielding man. According to the Grimsby Telegraph, Jon Parker observed the disturbance outside his shop. "I heard a crash [...]

11 12, 2018

Your 2018 Winter Safety Checklist

December 11th, 2018|Home Security|

Your 2018 Winter Safety Checklist. It's that time of the year again: single-digit temperatures, early sunset, extra rain (and maybe even some snow!). Add to that the additional festive evening activities, and you're likely leaving your home in the dark much more often than usual. Winter is unfortunately a prime season for burglars, who are [...]