30 05, 2019

Burglary in 2019: What Can We Expect?

May 30th, 2019|infographic, News|

The Crime Survey for England and Wales The Office of National Statistics (ONS) quarterly Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW), has just been released. This is a face-to-face victimisation survey that gives valuable insight into the past year in terms of crime changeability. We will go over some of the major shifts since the [...]

23 04, 2019

When a Bell Alarm Causes Crime

April 23rd, 2019|News|

Non-monitored alarms aren't perfect. In fact, the wrong system can do more harm than good. That's what one business owner learnt the hard way, when his neighbour's beeping alarm led to an altercation with an axe wielding man. According to the Grimsby Telegraph, Jon Parker observed the disturbance outside his shop. "I heard a crash [...]

22 02, 2018

What makes your home a target for burglars?

February 22nd, 2018|Home Security|

Burglars are clever, and they’re always on the lookout for places to target. So here’s a list of the mistakes to avoid if you want to keep your home safe.

9 08, 2017

Video Games And Home Security: Are We Inviting The Baddies In?

August 9th, 2017|Uncategorised|

As crime rates rise, video games are often blamed for real life violence. We look at their effect on home security.

27 07, 2017

The Robocop Reality: What’s The Future Of Business Security?

July 27th, 2017|Uncategorised|

We live in a time where science fiction is fast becoming science reality. It wasn’t long ago that the idea of robot cops existed only in 80s movies, but today law enforcement around the world already use autonomous technology to do what humans can’t, or won’t.

1 06, 2017

Have Cop TV Shows Made Better Criminals?

June 1st, 2017|Home Security|

Ever since CSI: Crime Scene Investigation hit our screens in 2000 and familiarized people with forensic science, the public has devoured anything and everything related to crime. some people believe that such shows have given criminals an education in forensic science.