27 05, 2016

Is your home safe? Apply these 7 home security tips, and the answer is yes.

May 27th, 2016|Home Security|

I’d only been gone an hour. When I got home, it took a second to figure out I’d been burgled. Something’s different, I thought to myself as I looked around. My house looks funny. Then I noticed. My TV was missing. I peeked into the study and saw my macbook was gone too. And my [...]

16 05, 2016

Infographic: Insights into home burglaries

May 16th, 2016|Home Security, infographic|

Poll taken from 516 home victims giving insights into home burglaries .

15 05, 2016

Top 10 Safest Places to Live in the UK (Without Moving to the Country)

May 15th, 2016|Home Security|

We put together a list of Britain’s safest cities with one minor tweak, We ruled out cities with a population of less than 50,000.

12 05, 2016

Infographic: Security Tips to avoid house burglaries

May 12th, 2016|Home Security, infographic|

This week in our illustrated infographic series you'll find these Security Tips to avoid house burglaries.

8 05, 2016

What to expect from the Verisure home and business security blog

May 8th, 2016|News|

This is the first blog post we would like to use this opportunity to give you a glimpse of what’s to come.