14 11, 2017

How does burglary affect the victim?

November 14th, 2017|Home Security|

Anyone who has been burgled will know that the impact of the crime runs far beyond the loss of belongings. The financial impact of burglary can be significant for many people, but the emotional stress that comes from being burgled often lasts much much longer.

11 09, 2017

What animal is best to guard your home?

September 11th, 2017|Home Security|

Everyone knows that dogs traditionally guard homes, but are dogs the best pets for home security? It may surprise you to know that other animals are also effective at warding off potential intruders.

6 09, 2017

Are burglars simply opportunists?

September 6th, 2017|Business Security, Home Security|

How do burglars target property? We investigate whether burglars are simply opportunists with Brighton University's Criminology Professor, Peter Squires.

9 08, 2017

Video Games And Home Security: Are We Inviting The Baddies In?

August 9th, 2017|Uncategorised|

As crime rates rise, video games are often blamed for real life violence. We look at their effect on home security.

9 08, 2017

Fire & Water Damage Across Homes In The UK

August 9th, 2017|Home Security, infographic|

Fire and water can cause costly damage to UK homeowners, but it may surprise you to know just how many homes are affected. How can UK homeowners protect themselves against such an event?

2 08, 2017

UK Crime Rates Soar: How Safe Is Your Property?

August 2nd, 2017|News|

UK crime rates have increased significantly in the last decade, and falling police numbers add to the concern of UK home and business owners. We look at how you can protect your loved ones and your property from the everyday risk of burglary.

27 07, 2017

The Robocop Reality: What’s The Future Of Business Security?

July 27th, 2017|Uncategorised|

We live in a time where science fiction is fast becoming science reality. It wasn’t long ago that the idea of robot cops existed only in 80s movies, but today law enforcement around the world already use autonomous technology to do what humans can’t, or won’t.

28 06, 2017

Only 14 Arrests For Every 100 Burglaries In The UK

June 28th, 2017|Home Security|

In 2017, despite our faith in police and investigative technology, only 14 arrests are made for every 100 burglaries in the UK. This shockingly low figure reflects the national average, and in some parts of the country the arrest rate is even lower; there are only seven arrests per 100 burglaries in the West Midlands, for example.

1 06, 2017

Have Cop TV Shows Made Better Criminals?

June 1st, 2017|Home Security|

Ever since CSI: Crime Scene Investigation hit our screens in 2000 and familiarized people with forensic science, the public has devoured anything and everything related to crime. some people believe that such shows have given criminals an education in forensic science.

18 05, 2017

How burglars use social media

May 18th, 2017|Home Security|

According to a survey conducted by Admiral Insurance, 30% of social media users have mentioned a future holiday on their accounts, and 1 in 4 tag their location when travelling. 70% post photos on Instagram while away. An easy way for burglars to spot empty homes.