7 Reasons Your Home Needs A Monitored Alarm
7 Reasons Your Home Needs A Monitored Alarm. We all do it. Every so often, we forget to lock a back window before leaving, or worse, the front door. The occasional mistake may not be [...]
Your 2018 Winter Safety Checklist
Your 2018 Winter Safety Checklist. It's that time of the year again: single-digit temperatures, early sunset, extra rain (and maybe even some snow!). Add to that the additional festive evening activities, and you're likely leaving [...]
Can Alarms Really Stop Burglars in The Act?
The impact of burglary on home owners is significant and not only includes the financial costs of replacements and repairs but also substantial psychological costs.
Edinburgh Burglaries: What makes Edinburgh so attractive to burglars?
The capital is ranked Scotland’s number one for housebreaking for a third consecutive year in the latest study of home insurance claims.
A Burglar’s Favourites: The Most Popular Items Stolen In Home Burglaries
The latest figures from the Crime Survey for England and Wales show that in 2015 there were just under 200,000 domestic burglaries. Wonder what was stolen the most often?